Mirror Brand Phase 2


What it includes:

1 - Photoshoot Pre-Production 

Even though you're planning your own photoshoot independently, you'll follow along with the IRL participants and get the same "creative direction" from yours truly on your own photoshoot prep.

2 - Continued access to Private Facebook Group

(For attendees only) To post progress and receive feedback and additional direction + guidance from me

3 - The Planner

You'll receive raw copies of my coveted photoshoot planner and pre-production checklists.

4 - The Work-it Sessions

We'll meet via Zoom conferencing to work through brainstorming and planning all of the nitty-details together.

We'll talk shotlists. We'll brainstorm + source wardrobe, props, hair + makeup... #allthethings . We'll determine poses, lighting scenarios, facial expressions, backdrops.

We'll also (of course) talk about flatlays and prop styling...

+ Tuesday July 25 (3-4 pm EST)
+ Friday August 1 (3-4 pm EST)
+ Tuesday August 8 (3-4 pm EST) 

To join us, simply purchase your seat in the circle below.